Building Up Social Solidarity Economy (BUSSE)
1. 8. 2021 - Maroš Prčina
Was an Erasmus+ project focusing on disseminating SSE know-how and practices in Central and Eastern Europe. Main goal of the project was to enhance peoples’ skills and knowledge of SSE and its transformative potential.
Financial Claims of the Czech Republic in Developing Countries 2020
25. 5. 2020 - Karolína Silná
The second updated edition of the publication Financial Claims of the Czech Republic in Developing Countries is providing basic information concerning the development of financial claims and obligations (i.e. debt) of developing countries towards the Czech Republic, primarily from the 1990s up to 2017 and in the context of the post-socialist county development and its relation to the developing countries.
Financial Claims of the Czech Republic in Developing Countries
2. 5. 2019 - Karolína Silná
The publication Financial Claims of the Czech Republic in Developing Countries provides basic information concerning the development of financial claims and obligations (i.e. debt) of the developing countries towards the Czech Republic, primarily from the 1990s up to 2017 and in the context of the development of the post–socialist country and its relation to the developing countries. The authors also pointed out particular ways to get rid of the debt that were chosen in the period in question.
Ecumenical Academy 2016 Annual Report
31. 8. 2017 - Karolína Silná
In many ways, 2016 was a turning point for us. We celebrated 20 years of the Ecumenical Academy (EA), and in May we said goodbye to its founder and long-time director Jiří Silný, who left his post after 20 years to become a member of the EA Committee. You can read more about EA's activities in 2016 in the new Annual Report.
The Ecumenical Academy and its journey
2. 8. 2016 - Jiří Silný
"For me personally, the exceptional and irreplaceable nature of the EA, which I led for twenty years, lies in openness, in an attempt to cross borders and look for wider contexts, in the process of learning: between the personal, local and global; between praxis and reflection; between the rational, the spiritual and the ethical. I think this is a good direction." - writes Jiří Silný, the founder and former director of Ecumenical Academy, in the text The Ecumenical Academy and its journey, which summarizes the 20 years history of the organization.

Book "Food and Democracy: Introduction to Food Sovereignty"
7. 9. 2011 - Jiří Silný
The book “Food and Democracy: Introduction to Food Sovereignty”, published by Polish Green Network, is a collection of articles, written by renowned experts, on various aspects of food sovereignty. The articles present the biggest challenges related to feeding the world in the XXI century, explain the need for the participatory democracy in dealing with the problem of hunger, and show how the principles of food sovereignty could be realized along the food chain, starting with access to land, then on a farm, and in a local economy.
The Ecumenical Academy Prague and its activities on fair trade
21. 8. 2011 - Jiří Silný
A big part of the Academy’s educational as well as practical activities is connected to the
issue of alternatives to the so-called free trade. The article was written thanks to the project “Central European partnership for sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty”, co-financed by International Visegrad Fund.
Activities and initiatives in the countries of the Visegrad Group for sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty
21. 8. 2011 - Jiří Silný
Project “Central European partnership for sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty”, co-financed by International Visegrad Fund, brings together organizations from Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Ecumenical Academy Prague is one of the project partner. The objective of the project is to build partnership and strengthen cooperation among non-governmental organizations from the Visegrad Group countries in the field of supporting fair, sustainable and ecological food production and consumption both in Europe and in the Global South.
Debt as an obstacle to development
21. 8. 2011 - Jiří Silný
The Ecumenical Academy Prague (Ekumenická akademie Praha – EAP) has been concerned
with the matter of sovereign debts since the end of 1990s. The article was written thanks to the project “Central European partnership for sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty”, co-financed by International Visegrad Fund.
Foxconn – an appalling showcase for the global electronics sector
8. 6. 2010 -
Over the past months a wave of suicides has occurred at the Foxconn plant of Longhua in southern China. 12 employees all between 18 and 24 years old have attempted to commit suicide; reportedly 10 workers have died, two have survived but suffer injuries. Foxconn is a Taiwanese electronics giant, manufacturing for all major global electronics brands.